Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

State Mining Corporation

State Mining Corporation


Kiwira Coal Mines and Power generation

  • STAMICO have two coal licenses at Ivogo and Kabulo ridges within the Kiwira Coal fields capable for sustaining coal fired power up to 500MW power.
  • Also, the licenses are targeted to mine coal for manufacturing industries with over 300 Million tons of coal resources with prospective markets within East Africa, SADC Countries and International markets.

Minerals Exploration and Development

  • STAMICO invites potential partners to jointly conduct minerals exploration and develop its mineral licenses. Currently, the Corporation owns 19 minerals licenses which are at grass root exploration stage and require further exploration works. Those licenses includes Gold, Gypsum, Limestone, Kaolin, Feldspar, Tin, Coal, Rare Earth Elements and phosphate.

Changube Copper Project:

  • The project involves mining of copper resource with an estimation of 5Million tons at grade of 3%CU and 3g/t gold, located at Mwanga District in Kilimanjaro Region.

Rafiki Coal Briquette Supply:

  • Rafiki Briquettes is smokeless coal briquettes made as alternative source of energy for domestic purposes.
    It involves the use of coal dust and other subordinate materials.
    This Project was initiated purposely to support Government effort on environmental preservation due to defforestation.
    The briquettes have been proven safe for human use and can save range of uses like cooking, barbeque, house warming e.t.c at a very affordable cost.